Pen in Hand

Fiction - Show, Don't Tell

Write What You Know PLUS
Genre and Subject
Hard Copy: Submitting Manuscripts to Publishers
Word Up and Out: Basic Submissions
Freelance Writing
Self-Publishing (Online)
Editing - Self-Critiquing
Fiction - Romance
Fiction - Setting and Location
Fiction - Character
Fiction - Dialogue
Fiction - Pace
Fiction - Show, Don't Tell
On Best Sellers
Writer's Block, Motivation and Tips
Who is Your Main Antagonist?
Creating Tension in Your Writing
Murder Your Darlings
The Easy Way to Write
Novel Writing Made Easy
Ready Steady Write
Novel Writing Academy

Static. Who phoned-in that story? 

Show, Don't Tell
Do you want to finally master the SECRET INGREDIENT to all good writing – and discover the tricks and techniques that WILL set you apart and easily enable you to create fiction no-one can possibly ignore?
Then read on:

Show don’t tell, show don’t tell, show don’t tell…

It’s like some incessant mantra that writing teachers chant at their students – but do they really hear?

Show, don’t TELL!

Publishers and editors too will throw the phrase at you, with a patronizing air, as though you have deliberately not done so. What do you do in these situations? Simply shrug and move on?

Show, DON’T tell...

The reading public, strangely, seems completely oblivious to the distinction, except in an obvious, vote with their feet way – that is: authors that SHOW always outsell authors that TELL by about 100 to 1!

SHOW, don’t TELL.

I can’t stress how important it is to grasp the profound difference between showing and telling in your writing.

And what a powerful impact it can make – to your readers, of course, but more especially to your chances of being taken seriously by the publishing industry.

So, take the advice, okay? Show, and do not tell.

Happy writing!

-- From Robyn Opie, children's book author


Building Fiction: How to Develop Plot and Structure
Author Sharon Skinner has released a compelling discussion of plot, Plot Isn’t Just a Four-Letter Word, and it's continued importance in the art of writing compelling fiction, despite the argument in some circles that plot is becoming less relevant. (Free from Smashwords)

Building Great Sentences (Lectures) - Investigate the myriad ways we think about, talk about, and write sentences. In Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writers Craft, Professor Brooks Landon shows you the pleasure in reading and writing great sentences.


The Writer's Digest Guide to Manuscript Formats
Beware Plot Bunny Green T-Shirt

