Pen in Hand

Freelance Writing

Write What You Know PLUS
Genre and Subject
Hard Copy: Submitting Manuscripts to Publishers
Word Up and Out: Basic Submissions
Freelance Writing
Self-Publishing (Online)
Editing - Self-Critiquing
Fiction - Romance
Fiction - Setting and Location
Fiction - Character
Fiction - Dialogue
Fiction - Pace
Fiction - Show, Don't Tell
On Best Sellers
Writer's Block, Motivation and Tips
Who is Your Main Antagonist?
Creating Tension in Your Writing
Murder Your Darlings
The Easy Way to Write
Novel Writing Made Easy
Ready Steady Write
Novel Writing Academy

Gene Hackman's character quoting a screenwriter in Get Shorty:
Q: What kind of writing pays best?
A: Ransom notes

— Elmore Leonard (1990)

A Career in Writing

The truth is that there are many ways of earning a living as a writer. You can write web copy, advertising copy, magazine articles and features, corporate communications copy, for the scientific / financial / medical fields, or even books and novels. The list could go on and on, but I’ll stop there for now or some of you might find yourselves snoozing before bedtime!

First of all I’d recommend some training. There’s nothing worse than a writer who can’t write. There are just as many writers who can write, but badly. Then there a few who think they can write, but who sadly don’t stand a chance.

Equally, I meet and hear from lots of talented writers who don’t think they write well, but who are really best-selling authors, just waiting to be unwrapped to the world!

But seriously. Get educated. Do some online writing courses. Read books about ‘how to write’ and above all practise…on the train, in bed, waiting at the doctors… The more you write the better you will become.

So back to the copywriting career. Once you have decided what niche you would like to concentrate on, you still have one more decision to make. Do you want to go freelance and have your own copywriting business, or do you want a 9-5 job and get paid a set amount each month?

There are pros and cons of both options, but generally speaking freelancers get paid more than regular jobbers…Plus YOU get to decide when to take a holiday (and how long for) and you never get bored working in the same place for too long.

-- From the Word Queen (and Court)







































eBook Publication for Training by Joel Zarley. $6.99 from
Learn how to create eBooks out of your organization's training material using this book. This book explores the different formats of eBooks; covers the workflow of publishing eBooks using low-cost tools; and explores how the most popular eReaders can be leveraged for training material in your organization.

Be a Freelance Writer Now: A Quick Guide to Starting Your Business Today by Adria Laycraft. $2.99 from
A complete guide on how to make money from your writing while working from home. Written by the copywriter who owns and operates The Write Initiative, this book shows you how to find clients, bid on jobs, create a market niche, and much more.


Hire me on oDesk

Be a Freelance Writer Now: A Quick Guide to Starting Your Business Today "Bravo!"

Secrets of the Professional Freelancer

Secrets of a Successful Freelance Writer

Writer's Fast Track to Freelance Copywriting for the Web: The Original Work from Home Job Opportunity

The WM Freelance Writers Connection Presents Marketing Yourself and Your Writing Online

YOU Can Become a Freelance Writer in 60 Days

The Freelancer's Survival Guide "amazing"

How to Make Real Money with Freelance Writing

Write Your Life: The Beginner's Guide To Freelance Writing Online

Time Management: A Freelancer's Survival Guide Short Book


Real Writing Jobs

Live Love Freelance Women's Light T-Shirt
Start Your Own Freelance Writing Business and More
Bob Bly''s Guide To Freelance Writing Success

Ward Writers by Saoirse O'Mara. $0.99 from
Why are writers admitting themselves to a psychiatric ward, and what makes the military step in? Why is the Queen "not amused"? And what about all that talk about million dollar book deals? (Humor)


